Sisi Film Collective, your gate way to the Film Industry.

Sisi film collective logo

But let’s be real, some of you might not fancy reading a novel-length blog post (we see you, scroll-happy folks!). That’s why we created this YouTube channel – to get you covered in a more engaging and fun way! Are you ready for a backstage pass into the film industry? Do you want to learn … Read more

Outdoor Movie Night at Dilstories Film Studio.

A group of people sitting together in a compound delighting in each other's presence while gathered around a bonfire to watch a movie in an outdoor film screen.

I was beyond excited for the movie night at the Dilstories Film Studio, but the gloomy Saturday weather had other plans.  As I woke up to a dark and rainy morning, my enthusiasm waned. By afternoon I was supposed to be at the studio for the Sisi Film Collective meeting and later, the movie night. … Read more