Join Us

Join Us

All filmmakers and audio-visual artists, or other artists, who are resident in Uganda are free to join. There will be a two month probation period after an application before membership is granted, and successful members are expected to be team players and committed to creating a healthy environment of cooperation and respect for one another. The film collective is classified into 3 membership categories.

Apply to Join Here

Level 1: Associate Member

Members at this level have access to trainings and workshops, screenings and professional networking events. They will have access to producers and other professionals to kickstart their own careers.

Requirements: Members are expected to demonstrate enthusiasm in filmmaking, and may be hobbyists, film buffs, or entry level filmmakers and students of film. Practitioners of other arts, for example poets, visual artists, sculptors, stage directors, or writers of novels, short stories, plays, radio dramas, and creative non-fiction like blogs and newspaper features, or any artist in any field who wishes to transition into film, are all welcome to start here. The annual registration fee is UGX 50,000/=

Full list of members

Level 2: Crew Member

Members are experienced filmmakers or audio-visual artists, with credits in a professionally made film, or audio-visual product. They have assurance of a crew position on collective membership projects.

Requirements: Members are expected to have appeared in a credit of a professionally produced film or TV series. We consider ‘professionally made’ to be any film or audio-visual product like podcasts that has screened at a credible festival, on TV, or otherwise widely distributed to the general public. The annual registration fee is UGX 100,000/=

Full list of members

Level 3: Producer Member

Advanced membership level is for above-the-line crew who are writers, directors or producers. These members have full access to the film studio, technical equipment and financial support. A member at this level can be an individual, or organization.

Requirements: Members are expected to have appeared in a credit of a professionally produced film or TV series, that has either been accepted at an international film festival, or screened by a reputable broadcaster. The annual registration fee is UGX 150,000/= for individuals and 200,000/= for corporations/organizations.

Full list of members