An inspiring tale of a transitioning artist

When pencil and paper paid me a call in primary one, the portal opened for the very first time to unveil the journey of an artist. It prompted a dream of a child. A boy with an unquenchable desire to draw. This thirst had my imaginations go wild implanting an insatiable crave to create that which revealed itself to my immature mind.

That unveiled the day that I, pencil and paper decided to have a menage a trios. In harmony we consented to the proposition of having each other’s back for life. The realization that when all is gone, the only ones that would stay rooted to me would be my art. When days would whirl by bringing forth the hour of graying hair and a walking cane when my limbs will have grown infirm and unable to lift the burden of my weight, Art would always stay, forever entwined, a fate never to be severed.

Participants of Sisi Film Lab in Kampala pose for a photo with the actors after a long day shooting.

Progressively our relationship took root. These roots gradually spread and expanded, sinking deep into the core of my heart. Every vein began to feel the impact that resonated from the expanse of the artistic roots that were sprouting, making my anatomy their ground. Verily I say unto you, at once I embarked on the journey of breathing Art, every manifestation a confirmation of the great union. The union of Art and Me.

I set out on the journey of seclusion from those of my age and took pleasure in endless practice and immersion in daydreams of flying through the clouds like superman, wielding my supernatural powers and saving the world from the bad guys. Well, I cannot find any other clarification on why superman dominated my 96 pages book during those Social Studies lessons when that female teacher brought nothing but boredom. I still cannot explain why Michelin Tyre kind of men, those with muscular Tyre-like hands dominated the walls at home. Turn me upside down but still I will never find the reason as to why the ground at home had me mesmerized whenever I looked at it, not from the perspective of a pregnant woman in search for soil which smelt so good to satisfy her cravings, but because I fancied it being a resting place for my drawings. Every surface I saw, an elegant place to paint my art. Well, that was a strong foundation of my talent.

Daryl ready to act during a short film shoot at Sisi Film Lab. He is the inspiration behind this blog.

When art found solace in my being, it gifted me in all ways without holding back. Probably that is what you reap from a union that is preordained by the Almighty. I began drinking from the spring of music. The musical water coursed through my veins opening up numbed pores. Soon my body began moving out of reflex.

Noticing this blooming love, my good will Uncle decided to make me his handbag, well men have wallets. I became that something which he would never leave behind on days when the universe decided to grant us a dance show at Nsambya Sharing Hall. I always tagged along.

In the year 2007, I joined a church-based dance crew that introduced me to the life of a dancer. The stage and music were another medium of imagination. I must say I am a partaker of the blessings of Abraham for as the clock ticked by, in a blink of an eye, I got invites to train dance in schools, and soon, I became a dance instructor and choreographer.

Putting together dances and music gave me the opportunity of understanding the human body in terms of strength, endurance, flexibility and mobility, yet these are the same principles that work in exercise. Discovering this, I dived into becoming a fitness coach. Well, why not?

Amidst all this, there was a transition from just dancing to telling a story with dance. Dance became more of a medium of expression that spoke stories as one swirled, twirled and glided to a song relaying all that the lyricist was trying to let out. Maybe dance was another kind of acting!

Daryle and other Sisi Film Lab participants attending a sound class.

Fate had me collide with Sumaya, a nonprofit organization that utilizes short films to educate, and raise awareness of mental health challenges found in typical African communities. What if dance was paving way for my acting? Maybe acting was the route I had to embark on!

It was here that I was crafted into an actor. I managed to camouflage into different characters, allow me to flaunt my achievements, I pulled it off quite well. In the midst came an online acting school opportunity by Cinelab Academy where I became a more refined commercial actor by training. Later on, I got my first gig as a musical theatrical director at Kampala Bible Revelation Church. I loved the thrill of the whole experience where it got me so tired and exhausted stealing me from wallowing in self-pity from a heartbreak a year before, well that is a story for another day.

I eventually had a one-on-one conversation with filming at the Sisi Film Lab training under the Sisi Film Collective. I was curious to be behind the camera. Seeing how things unfold was a desire I could not contain that as soon as a good friend shared an online call for artists. I immediately took the opportunity before it was snatched away. How good things keep coming my way every year! The heavens must find me a loyal servant of the Father.

I found myself joining Sisi Film Lab in the month of love. When love is right, everything happens for the right cause. The intense training introduced me to the concept of script writing in relation to building a story. As a stage performer, this growth and development in creative story telling abilities “Behind the camera” is such a treasure. It’s a life changing experience that I am proud to have encountered at Sisi Film Collective.

Daryl Mwesigwa is a Marketer, dance choreographer, MDD Director, Fitness coach and a budding film maker.

2 thoughts on “An inspiring tale of a transitioning artist”

  1. Quite impressive
    With all this experience can’t help but say your close to your calling
    Success is knocking on your door Daryl. All the best

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