From Motorcycle Dreams to Movie Magic

Buckle up, folks! My artistic adventure has been a wild ride, filled with twists, turns, and a whole lot of creativity. It all started when I was just six years old, gazing up at my uncle’s artistic talents with wide eyes and a heart full of wonder.

He was a master of many mediums, and I was captivated by the way he brought his ideas to life. I begged him to draw me a motorcycle (which, of course, he did, and I proceeded to draw motorcycles nonstop – much to my parents’ delight, I’m sure!). But seriously, my uncle’s influence sparked a fire within me, and I knew right then and there that I wanted to follow in his footsteps.

Fast forward to my teenage years, and I was devouring art books, trying out different mediums, and even attempting to paint a masterpiece or two (let’s just say my parents were very supportive of my “creative phase”). But it wasn’t until I stumbled upon photography that I truly found my calling.

Arsene (holding a slate), the inspiration behind this blog directing a short film during the first student short film exercise.

I spent hours poring over photos on the internet, National Geographic, and magazines, marveling at the way a single image could tell a story, evoke an emotion, and transport me to a different world. And when I finally got my hands on a camera, I knew I had found my true passion. Sunsets, landscapes, miniature cars – you name it, I shot it. And then, I started snapping portraits and covering small events, and my passion only grew stronger.

But here’s the thing: my artistic journey wasn’t just about taking pretty pictures. It was about telling stories, conveying emotions, and connecting with others on a deeper level. And that’s when I knew I had to take the leap into film.

Oh, and did I mention I had a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Design? Yeah, that was a wild ride too! I learned about building design, visual presentation, and the importance of photo-realistic impressions. It was like the universe was nudging me towards a career in visual storytelling.

Arsene operating a Blackmagic camera during a short film shooting at the Sisi Film Lab.

With the encouragement of my sisters (one of whom surprised me with my first camera – talk about a sign from the universe!), I started creating content and never looked back. We started shooting clips and reels together, and before I knew it, I was applying for the Sisi Film Lab Training program! I got in!

Now, I’m learning visual storytelling at the highest level, and I’m pinching myself every day. It’s a dream come true, and I can’t wait to share my stories with the world.

So, what’s the moral of my story? Follow your passion, embrace your creativity, and never give up on your dreams. And always remember, the greatest stories are those that are told with heart, soul, and a whole lot of imagination.

Thanks for joining me on this wild ride, folks! Stay tuned for the next chapter in my artistic adventure.