Auditions for short films

Sisi Film Collective has conducted a year long film training and is now producing three short films, which will premiere on 14th November 2024 at GZK/UGCS premises. The films are a romantic drama titled “Story of Mine”, about a young woman in a forced marriage, who finds love in a strange place; a science fiction titled “Please Wait”, about two people being held captive who must be nice to each other in order to survive; and a musical titled “A Thousand Ways to Face Change”, about a young woman in a polygamist marriage, who must make tough choices about her future. We are casting for various roles for these films, and each short film will have a different cast. Production starts on 7th October 2024 and will run for two weeks. The deadline for submission of the monologues is 5th of October. If selected for any role you must be available on a full time basis.

Deadline 5th October 2024

Auditions: 26th September to 5th October 2024 (Only successful applicants will be called for face-to-face auditions on a rolling basis, which means the moment a director finds a potential candidate, they will schedule an audition/interview. The earlier you apply, the better.)

How to Apply

To apply, please follow these steps and fill in the application form. Several people have to review your application and this is only possible through this form. We do not accept applications via WhatsApp, or Facebook, or email.

Step 1: Record yourself (using a mobile phone is fine) performing a monologue. Please find monologues for each film below. Choose only one in a particular short film you are interested in. (Tip: avoid wigs, hats, sunglasses, and heavy/excessive make-up. We want to see you 🙂 And another tip, it’s a performance! Give it your best.)

Step 2: Upload the performance to Google drive (preferred), or to YouTube or Vimeo. Make sure it is not available to the public. For example on YouTube make it Unlisted and for Vimeo just don’t share the link publicly.

We prefer to receive files via Google drive, but please ensure, under Get Link section, that you set it to “Anyone on the Internet with this link can view” since a few people will need to access your monologue.

Step 3: Fill in this Google Form to submit your application. WhatsApp, Facebook, or email applications will be ignored.

Click Here To Apply


This is a musical film, and please follow this link to see how the song is performed. The actors must be good in English and should be able to sing, or perform spoken word poetry. We seek one male actor, 40 years old or look that age, and three female actresses, should be from the age range of 19 – 40 years.


Dear Theodosia, what to say to you?
You have my eyes. You have your mother’s name.
When you came into the world, you cried, and it broke my heart.
I’m dedicating every day to you.
Domestic life was never quite my style.
When you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart.
And I thought I was so smart.
You will come of age with our young nation.
We’ll bleed and fight for you, we’ll make it right for you.
If we lay a strong enough foundation
we’ll pass it on to you, we’ll give the world to you,
and you’ll blow us all away…
someday, someday.
Yeah, you’ll blow us all away,
someday, someday.

Click Here To Apply


This film is a Science Fiction. The characters are psychotic people. You must be good in English. Both male and female in the age bracket of 20-30 years. Keep video close to face. Imagine a mad person telling a ridiculous story:

I had a cat once. My only friend. It died in the funniest way ever. It kept playing with the Neighbour’s kid. He used to feed it. One day it spent the night. There, loneliest night of my life. So, I locked it in my storeroom with no food and it kept meowing. Meow, meow ha-ha (maniacal/crazy laughter) …meow so funny. It spent there like a month or three. Eventually it stopped meowing, and I forgot about it. But that meowing, meow ha-ha (crazy person laughter) ha-ha, you should have been there. It was hilarious.

Click Here To Apply

Monologue for: STORY OF MINE

This film is a drama, the characters are in the age bracket of 16-25 years female and male from 20-25 years. Both should be fluent in Lukiga especially the ascent. They should be flexible in their acting.


I’m not a loser and yes I’ve made mistakes but I am not a failure.
I’m not perfect, who is? If Angels can fall, how dare you judge me?
I’m definately good enough, did you hear me? I’m good enough.
I am definitely good enough, did you hear me? I am good enough.
No you shut up. Shut up.
I got that job on merit because I am good enough and I will not lose that job because I am good enough.
I am good enough. Am I good enough?
Am I? What if your right and am wrong?
And I have been believing a lie all along.
No, no, no, no, no, no. Your words of doubt will not take root in my mind.
This garden will blossom. It maybe be dry right now.
But wait for the harvest. You’ll see what I’ll reap.
Then you’ll know I am good.

Here is what you don’t know about me. I have a fire burning inside.
It’s not a fleeting spark, It’s a relentless blaze.
It won’t waver, seize or yield.
It’s the desire to be at the top. I want no one above me.
And I’ll pay the price at any cost.
No man’s shadow will be cast on me. Not now. Not ever. Not again.
Not again. It’s cold at the bottom.
Living on the mercy of men.
Wishing the day could end only to start dreading tomorrow. Not again.
My children’s cries have numbed my ears.
My family’s tears have frozen my heart.
Call me cold, call me a monster.
Call me a fox, call me a what you want.
I’ll pay the price. No matter the cost.
I won’t waver, seize or yield.

Click Here To Apply

For Any Inquiries: 0783683618 / 0789270943 / 0783046365
Office line: 0200960053

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